Machinarium crane puzzle
Machinarium crane puzzle


No more water will go into the Fountain in Clock Square.Shortcut cheat: see the images (to the right) for the solution to where the spanners should be placed to turn off the water to the Fountain.


Part 2: solve the puzzle using the three Red Spanners using trial and error or by taking notes.There is a small Wire Hook hanging on the plumbing puzzle that can be used to fish the red spanner out of the drain. Spanner 3 - is in the pool drain at the bottom left of the screen.Spanner 2 - is in the back of the engineering book that can be found in the drawer of the small wooden chest, located under where the Pipe Wrench Robot is sitting.

machinarium crane puzzle

Spanner 1 - is already on the plumbing puzzle.There are two parts to this mini-game as follows:.To cut off the water to the Fountain in Clock Square by turning the correct valves with the Red Spanners.These will become black if no water is passing through them. There are also six water flow indicators at the top of the arrangement. Youll need to figure out which boxes to mark and which to leave blank based on the instructions provided. Real Truck Parking 3D Bridge Architect Lite Machinarium Classic Car Parking 3D Light Witch Wars: Puzzle. It is an old radio standing on a machine near some monitors. The Radio tuner is inside the Dome in the Castle room. The Music Keyboard is outside on the Dome on the far left side. A complex arrangement of copper plumbing pipes and valves with water flowing through them. The application form itself is a logic puzzle in the form of a column of four checkboxes. The Dome Security Puzzle has two linked Mini-games to be solved 1.The Music Keyboard.Click on the complex arrangement of pipes the mini-game will appear on screen. Machinarium is a puzzle point-and-click adventure game, and after I completed it on my mobile device I wanted to share the experience as I play it through on.Next to the bottom of the ladder in the Bathhouse.Inventory Item - Electrical Cable (that Josef can plug into himself and then into the Mayor of Machinarium to connect them together.The Plumbing Puzzle (or Three Spanners Puzzle) is a Mini-game that has to be solved.Right grey (right 1) (up 2) (left 2) (down 2) (left 2) (down 1).The chain of three green beads will have to be moved to the green area of the tracks in both puzzles. Both of the sliding chains puzzles will have to be solved, to open the central half circle door of the inner safe.In each puzzle there are a number of chains of different coloured beads that will have to be moved along tracks. Enigmes inspirées de casse-tête ou de bornes darcade, elles. Le petit robot est également à la recherche de sa petite amie kidnappée et devra déjouer le plan maléfique des brigands.


This inner safe has two code combination locks consisting of sliding chains puzzles. Machinarium relate lhistoire dun robot expulsé dune immense ville robotique par un groupe de malfrats, le but étant donc de trouver un moyen de revenir dans cette dernière afin de déjouer un attentat. Inside the shutters is an inner safe with a metal half circle revolving door.

  • The safe is a blue coloured tall narrow metal box with sliding metal shutters with a red activation button in the centre. Both of the sliding chains puzzles will have to be solved, to open the central half circle door of the inner safe.
  • machinarium crane puzzle

    Click on the red button on the front and the sliding metal shutters will open showing the mini-game.

  • Click on the blue coloured metal safe and the safe will become magnified.
  • The blue coloured metal safe on the far left side of the Castle room.
  • Our task is to solve all the small puzzles in this beautiful 9 level adventure. We control a little guy who searches his lost sister. The Castle Safe Puzzle (or Sliding Chains Puzzle) is a Mini-game that has to be solved. Shapik: The Quest is a mysterious point and click adventure developed by Pavel Podberezko and inspired by Samorost and Machinarium. The location of the safe on the far left of the room. The mimi-game on screen (showing the sliding metal shutters)

    Machinarium crane puzzle