These "Dictionaries" are notoriously too brief.

Whenever writing scripts for a new application, the first thing you need to do is open its "Dictionary" and explore its scripting options. You can write, compile, and run scripts all within the "Script Editor".Īll applications that are scriptable (like GEDitCOM II) come with a "Dictionary" that describes all the objects in the application and all the commands supported by the application. When using AppleScript, you write scripts using Apple's "Script Editor", which you will find in your Applications folder on all new Macs.

The extension (or script) will open for editing in the GEDitCOM Editor. In fact, to modify and existing extension (or script), select it from the GEDitCOM II Extensions menu while holding down the option key. You can edit and run Internal scripts, Python scripts, or Ruby scripts right in the GEDitCOM Editor.
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Among these three, Python is a good choice. If you prefer to use AppleScript, Python, or Ruby, a good way to learn is to see sample code. All documentation for learning and writing internal scripts can be found in the Help window for the GEDitCOM Editor application included with GEDitCOM II. Internal scripts run about 20 times faster than when using other languages and do not have to rely on Apple continuing to support use of languages like AppleScript. The recommended language is GEDitCOM II's internal scripting language. It takes a little more effort, however, to understand the finer points of each one. The basic structures of these languages are simple. If you have programmed, but never used these languages, it is an easy to get started. Writing scripts requires some ability for computer programming and some knowledge of GEDitCOM II's internal scripting language, Apple Scripting, Python scripting, or Ruby scripting (which ever language you prefer). If you do write an extension that you would like to share with GEDitCOM II users through the extensions page, please submit your extension to Getting Started
Besides writing your own extensions, you can check the GEDitCOM II extensions page for ready-made extensions you can download and use immediately. Any user familiar with GEDitCOM II's internal scripting language, AppleScript, Python, or Ruby can write their own scripts, package then in an "Extension" and thereby add new features to GEDitCOM II.