No other racial in the game can consistently increase your DPS more than this one, making Dwarves the dominant race. This is thanks to Might of the Mountain providing the aforementioned boost to your crit damage and healing by 2%. On the Alliance side, Dwarves reign supreme as the best race for Elemental Shamans. | Image: Blizzard Entertainment via HGG / Jeffrey Hsu Alliance: Dwarf Imagine the static in his beard. We’re sure you can see why boosting your critical effectiveness is your main priority when it comes to racial abilities.

Your spec has a passive ability ( Elemental Fury) that increases your crit damage up to 250% from the standard 200%, and Lava Burst is always a guaranteed crit. Best Race for Elemental Shamans: Dwarf/Taurenįor those interested in the path of a caster, we can only recommend the respective race from both factions that has a racial ability boosting your crit damage output. If you want to swap between multiple specs, we recommend going Dwarf or Tauren due to how much their racial abilities can make a difference on your output for each spec. To that end, we’re breaking down the best races for each Shaman spec. Of course, this means you’ll also be looking for different racial bonuses to complement your playstyle. With two DPS specs and a healing one, you’re a rather versatile class. 8 Best Race for Shamans in WoW Classic/Burning Crusade/Wrath of the Lich King:.7 Best Looking Race for Shamans: Dark Iron Dwarf/Vulpera.6 Best Race for Lore Shamans: Draenei/Orc.5 Best Race for PVP Shamans: Dark Iron Dwarf/Orc.4 Best Race for Restoration Shamans: Dwarf/Tauren.3 Best Race for Enhancement Shamans: Draenei/Goblin.2 Best Race for Elemental Shamans: Dwarf/Tauren.Looking for more WoW tips and tricks? View all our World of Warcraft guides.

We have iconic Shaman options for Alliance and Horde players alike, and will be covering all types of gameplay. Today, we’ll be taking a look at the best races for Shamans in WoW: Shadowlands. It’s more critical now than ever to have emissaries of the land itself guide its denizens in defending it. By invoking that connection, Shamans can wield the elements themselves to devastate their foes and aid their allies.īut who amongst the races hear the call of the elements most clearly? Who embodies the strength of the storm itself and can mend the cracks in the world? The world of Azeroth (and even those beyond) are constantly in peril. Races with a deep connection to the land and their ancestors are often the most likely to become Shamans. Those who listen and reply in turn are granted the strength of the elements - the right to be a Shaman. Tales as old as the land itself are told by the elements, but only a select few can hear. A whisper in the wind, the rumbling of the earth, the crackle of the flame, and the ripples in the water.